Meet the Neighbours

Learning training techniques. 147328

THREE local coastal organisations encouraged residents to “Meet the Neighbours” at 13W Beach this month, raising awareness of local wildlife.
Residents took turns spotting hooded plover eggs and guessing distances from (cardboard) seals during an information session on 15 November.
Wildlife displays were set up along the foreshore, along with a marquee with information on local dog-control orders.
“We are asking all dog owners to keep their dogs close by when off-leash and well away from any wildlife,” Barwon Coast’s Maddie Glynn said.
Jimmy Graham, from Jimmy’s Dog Training, was on hand to provide pooch-related advice.
Maddie said some dog behaviour changed markedly when the wildlife specimens were displayed along the foreshore.
“This is a timely reminder that it doesn’t matter how well trained your dog is, when they are confronted by something new, their demeanour can quickly change,” she said.
“Some became very wary and displayed signs of aggression.”
Maddie said dog-owners and wildlife could easily co-exist.
“Enjoy our coastal zone, but please be responsible – this simple request could prevent you receiving a fine,” she said.
“Stay away from wildlife, keep your dogs close to you, clean up your rubbish including the dog poo and help us to educate others.”
Ocean Grove Coastcare, Barwon Coast and Friends of the Hooded Plover Bellarine organised the event.