Anne Brackley

Anne Brackley


Having lived on the Bellarine my whole life, gaining a wide range of experiences, leading community discussions concerning differing council Ward structures, playing an active role in Our Future discussions, assisting the community to bring more than $109,000,000 of infrastructure to the Bellarine – I strongly believe I am prepared to be one of the Bellarine Ward councillors.
Building community through commitment, strategy and vision is my passion.
Commitment – As a Guide leader for more than 40 years, with 20 years of experience in governance, leadership of SpringDale Neighbourhood Centre and many years of governance in local, regional, state and Australian committees, I will draw on these experiences to meet the challenges of council.
Strategy – Strategic thinking and planning informs my decisions and actions in conversation with the communities that I am working. With energy, enthusiasm and a plan, together we can achieve almost anything.
Vision – Having a vision directs me. The concept of having a 30 year vision for the Greater Geelong Region excites me and I invested many hours in attending the sessions, seminars and led some discussions last year. I believe Clever and Creative is an open, exciting vision and am looking forward to helping govern its first years.
I look forward to devoting the next three years to helping the community build a Clever Creative Bellarine within the Clever Creative City region. I will regularly communicate directly with our Bellarine community.
I invite you to give me either your 1, 2 or 3 vote.

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