Stewart Webb

Stewart Webb


This is the first time l have stood for council and l am not a member of any political party.
I was born and raised in Geelong and for the past 22 years have lived in Ocean Grove. I work as an office manager/accountant (age 56) at a business in North Geelong.
Recently l completed a Masters in Business Administration to compliment a Degree in Accountancy.
Community wise, l have played in premierships at Ocean Grove and Queenscliff Bowling Clubs, and have been a past committee member at football, sailing and lawn bowls clubs.
Why stand for council? I want to achieve the best outcomes for the residents of the Bellarine Ward, and to work with the other Ward councillors in making ’The 30 Year Vision’ more than just a vision. I offer to canvass and represent the views of the Bellarine Ward, using local knowledge, formal education and business experience to make evidence-based decisions that balance both financial needs and community expectations.
* To ensure that the revenue raised from your rates is spent in an economically responsible manner.
* That improvements are made to infrastructure, especially in growth areas and that these structural elements are sustainably designed, built and operated so as to improve functionality but not diminish the uniqueness of the Bellarine Peninsula.
* Show leadership in good governance and to act with integrity in the performance of my duties as an elected councillor.

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