Andy Meddick – Animal Justice Party

Corangamite counts down
At the Animal Justice Party we do not want to form government. Rather, we’re looking to pressure the major parties to follow through with commitments to animal welfare – like establishing an independent office for animal welfare.
The Animal Justice Party has been formed as a response to growing public concern about the neglect of animals and animal protection issues by political parties.
It gives a voice to those who cannot speak for themselves. It provides a focal point for voters frustrated by the lack of political action and who feel strongly that much more needs to be done through our parliamentary systems to assist the wellbeing of animals.
Public health is something that I’m also passionate about. There needs to be more specialist services at community health centres. A lot of people don’t have the ability to go to the larger centres. The government has ripped money out of public health, so replacing that would be a good start.
I’ve campaigned against the Geelong Star super fishing trawler and I’d like a ban on live export.