Sarah Henderson – Liberal

Corangamite counts down
OVER almost three years, I have been very proud to represent Ocean Grove as the Member for Corangamite, advocating for improved public transport, job creation, better health and education.
The Turnbull Liberal Government understands how important political stability and a strong economic plan are for local families, young people and seniors, as well as small business.
We’ve delivered $3.5m to build a community and sports pavilion for Shell Road Reserve, secured a new postal service for Oakdene Estate and I am continuing my campaign for a second post office.
NBN fast broadband will be active in Ocean Grove in just a few weeks, a big boost to the local economy, and we are delivering funding to plan the Grubb Road duplication.
Ocean Grove has so many wonderful community organisations – I’ve been delighted to support groups such as the local Men’s Shed and am advocating hard for funding to support the Ocean Grove SLSC redevelopment.
We are blessed with a magnificent coastline. As a passionate advocate for the environment, I am delighted we have secured a number of Green Army teams for the Bellarine.
As a member of Malcolm Turnbull’s Liberal team, I am respectfully seeking the support of Ocean Grove residents on 2 July.

If elected, what will you do to prevent burglaries and improve safety in Ocean Grove?
After many months working with Ocean Grove traders, I am delighted that a re-elected Turnbull Government will provide $60,000 in funding to install seven CCTV cameras in The Terrace commercial precinct. This funding has been committed under the Coalition’s $40 million Safer Communities Fund.
The increase in local crime is very concerning. I have taken a strong stand on this issue including holding a community meeting with the Minister for Justice Michael Keenan in Ocean Grove. CCTV cameras can play a vital role in not only deterring crime, but helping police catch offenders.

If elected, what will you do to make housing more affordable and what will you do to ensure Ocean Grove is developed in line with resident’s expectations?
Housing affordability is a key issue particularly for young people. Across our region including Ocean Grove, we don’t have the same challenge as places like Melbourne but it is vital that land supply keeps up with demand to keep the downward pressure on house prices.
There will be no changes to negative gearing under a re-elected Turnbull government. Negative gearing helps to increase the supply of housing and keep rents down. Labor’s plans – a large rise in capital gains tax and the abolition of negative gearing for all existing homes – will drive up rents and force investors into the new housing market which will make life very tough for many first home buyers.

If elected, what will you do to support and guide the growth of Ocean Grove?
As Ocean Grove continues to grow, investing in roads, better public transport, community safety and improved postal services is so important. Our strong commitment to Ocean Grove is reflected in the 2016 Budget which delivered $300,000 for planning to duplicate Grubb Road. Redeveloping the Ocean Grove Surf Life Saving Club facilities is vital for beach safety, families and the broader Ocean Grove community.

If elected how will you protect Ocean Grove’s environment?
The Turnbull government has taken strong action on climate change through measures such as the Renewable Energy Target and our strong commitment to solar which will ensure 23.5 per cent of Australia’s electricity comes from renewable sources by 2020. Over 15 per cent of Australian households have access to rooftop solar, the highest percentage in the world. Under our Emissions Reduction Fund, some 143 million tonnes of emissions reduction have been delivered and the latest figures show we are on track to beat our 2020 emissions reduction target by 78 million tonnes.
Locally, Green Army teams have already delivered coastal environmental benefits between Ocean Grove and Barwon Heads. The Turnbull government is also supporting Ocean Grove Coastcare dune works. I will continue to support these programs locally to ensure our unique environment is protected.