Alan Barron – Family First

CURRENT free trade agreements place enormous strain on local manufacturing and some modifications are needed to protect Aussie jobs. We support a minimum price for milk and a milk levy to help farmers remain viable.
Family First believes the science on climate change is not settled. We are opposed to any form of carbon tax, ETS and we would disband the renewable energy targets. Family First would stop wasting taxpayers’ money on renewable energy projects such as wind warms and cut solar subsidies to both domestic and commercial applications.
Family First does not favour at this stage any change to the constitution in respect of Aboriginal recognition.
Family First stands for the traditional understanding of marriage and will vote against any attempt to change the definition of marriage between a man and a woman.
Immigration levels should be temporarily reduced to a maximum of 50,000 per year for the next five years. The purpose of this would be to stabilise housing prices by taking the pressure off demand, and hopefully reduce prices.
As we know, many companies and multi-nationals freely move vast amounts of money in and out of Australia. Thanks to various mechanisms, big companies like Google and others escape paying tax on revenue earned in Australia.

If elected, what will you do to prevent burglaries and improve safety in Ocean Grove?
Law enforcement is generally speaking, is a State matter. I would the ask to encourage the Police Commissioner, and local State MPs, to maintain a fully staffed local station and to increase the number of policemen stationed in OG.

If elected, what will you do to make housing more affordable and what will you do to ensure Ocean Grove is developed in line with resident’s expectations?
High house prices are a combination of things which involve both State and Federal governments. Last year over 168,000 immigrants were allowed to settle in this country. In the Rudd-Gillard era the migrant intake reached over 300,000 in some years.
Having high levels of immigration has placed considerable stress on this country’s infrastructure, government outlays and placed further upward pressure on housing prices especially in high growth areas like OG.
Immigration levels should be temporarily reduced to a maximum of 50,000 per year for the next five years. The purpose of this would be to stabilise housing prices by taking the pressure off demand, and hopefully reduce prices to a level where more middle and low income people can afford to purchase their own home.

If elected, what will you do to support and guide the growth of Ocean Grove?
Ideally in a perfect world all major traffic bottlenecks would be fixed and social facilities provided to the community. Again this is mostly a State issue. If elected I would lobby relevant State MPs and relevant government departments to investigate and make recommendations to address the issues raised by local residents.

If elected how will you protect Ocean Grove’s environment?
One thing of concern to me is the hysteria over climate change. There is no need for OG residents to be concerned about climate change. The science is not understood, even by so called ‘experts’ who peddle much misinformation about climate change. There is no danger to Ocean Grove from rising sea levels. According to Corio Bay records going back over 100 years, levels have only fluctuated 2cms and this is likely to continue well into the foreseeable future.
It’s good to be concerned about the environment, which is fine as far as it goes. However, I’m more concerned about people, especially the poor and those who live in poverty. Australia needs cheap and reliable power to remain prosperous and only coal can provide this, thus stimulating the economy and so create wealth and prosperity for future generations.
Local COGG by-laws can protect illegal activities in the dunes and housing developments which threaten native fauna and flora. There are sufficient by-laws at the local and State levels to protect the local environment; all they need is active enforcement.