Ride centre feedback welcomed

Trent Sullivan

Back in July I wrote about the community engagement campaign that Council was running regarding a proposed District Ride Centre in Ocean Grove.

We were seeking community input into the proposed location of a District Ride Centre in Kingston Park, as well as feedback on the draft concept plan.

For those who might not be familiar with a District Ride Centre, it is a bike facility containing features such as a jump park, pump track, and a skills and trials area.

The facility that has been proposed would include 80- to 100-metre-long dirt jump lines with the variety to suit all rider skill levels, an asphalt pump track, skills and trials features designed to improve rider control, a central hub with shelter and seating, and fully contained fencing, with separation from the rest of the park.

The four-week engagement period has now closed, but I wanted to take this opportunity to thank the community for their input and providing their thoughts on the proposed centre.

Ocean Grove is a passionate and active community and it is so pleasing to know that people are willing to engage on issues that matter to them.

As an example, throughout the campaign we had 351 quick poll respondents, 203 survey respondents and 27 formal submissions.

In addition, we had a total of 26 people attend our two face-to-face sessions, which were held on Thursday 18 August and Saturday 20 August in Kingston Park.

Our team is now busy collating and analysing all of the data received throughout the engagement period and all views that were received on the project will be considered.

I am grateful for the feedback that has been provided as it helps pave the way for what happens next.