Session will unpack Queenscliffe’s draft budget

(Gezer Amorim via pexels)

The Borough of Queenscliffe will unpack its latest draft budget at an upcoming presentation to help inform the community of the current financial situation.

Councillors and council officers will present the 2024-25 document and answer public questions at the Queenscliff Town Hall at 50 Learmonth Street from 6pm on Wednesday, May 8.

The draft budget was supported by council at its April 24 meeting and focuses on key strategic objectives to support community well-being, protect the environment and address climate change.

Councillor Michael Grout said he liked the “gist” of the budget and that it was good to see a “breakeven budget” potentially being handed down to the next council.

“It’s only because we can manage our financial sustainability that we can then look at what quality of services we can offer,” he said.

“We’re handing over a reasonably sustainable budget for the next council to work with. I may not like everything in the budget, but I’m particularly keen to now hear what people in the community say about it.

“I’m sure we are going to be challenged to consider allocating funds to some things and maybe they can help us know where we can find the money to do that.”

Mayor Ross Ebbels said he encouraged the community to have their say on the draft budget by May 24.

“With a new council coming on board at the end of the year, I think its pleasing to see that this is a tough budget but, in many regards, it’s setting the new council up,” he said.

“I know we’ve got quite a bit of money in allocated and unallocated reserves; our asset renewal has increased this year, and there’s the Murray Road money as well.

“So, from a cash point of view were looking really positive and I look forward to seeing what the new council does with that money.”

The community can view the Borough of Queenscliffe’s 2024-25 Draft Budget on the council’s website and make submissions by email to