Louis Rowe – Liberal Democrats

Corangamite counts down
THE Liberal Democrats are Australia’s only registered political party standing for low tax, smaller government, free markets and individual liberty.
We’re a party with concrete values that believes in common sense policies. Many Australians are saying the system isn’t working and that we need change.
The Liberal Democrats are the only party that offers real change to the whole system. Our policies could change at our tax system, our drug laws, assisted suicide laws, foreign policy, speeding laws, national parks access and gun laws to name a few.
In Australia there is a general movement away from the major parties, vote Liberal Democrats and we will work to protect your super and lower your tax burden.

If elected, what will you do to prevent burglaries and improve safety in Ocean Grove?
Crime levels have increased dramatically in the last five years, this is a very complex issue but the rise of drugs such as ice is concerning. The Liberal Democrats believe the current war on drugs is largely unsuccessful and a different approach is needed. Criminalisation pushes up drug prices and drives all but organised crime out of the market, effectively resulting in state-enforced protection for organised crime. This results in public violence and significant costs for the criminal justice system and, ultimately, taxpayers. Some international regions that have taken on decriminalisation methods have seen reductions in levels of crime.

What will you do to make housing more affordable and what will you do to ensure Ocean Grove is developed in line with resident’s expectations?
The Liberal Democrats would replace insurance taxes, stamp duties on property transfers, along with various other nuisance taxes collected at the State level with less inefficient taxes, while ensuring that the overall level of a state or territory’s taxes as a proportion of state GDP declines over time. This would see generous savings to Ocean Grove buyers making housing more affordable. Local planning and development is a council/State issue.

What will you do to support and guide the growth of Ocean Grove?
The Liberal Democrats supports competitive Federalism as it was intended by the founders of the constitution. We would restore to the states the power to impose income taxes and other taxes currently reserved to the Commonwealth (within the context of a substantially reduced overall tax burden) allowing the states greater means to develop infrastructure projects.

How will you protect Ocean Grove’s environment?
National Parks must be open to the public for multiple recreational purposes. That includes reasonable vehicle access to allow access by members of the public who are elderly, disabled or otherwise unable to walk for long distances in rough terrain which would be a massive boon for local tourism increasing the value of the land. As the land value increases so does the need to protect and restore native fauna and flora of the area to maintain the tourism.