Tag: News
All set for church fair
It’s all systems go for St Peter’s Anglican Church’s annual fair.
Members of the Hearts and Crafts group have been busy at their Monday morning...
Day of the yellow gums
OCEAN Grovers braved the chilly conditions on Sunday for the Yellow Gums Community Environment Day.
Organised by the City of Greater Geelong and the Bellarine...
Four of the best
FOUR outstanding young candidates were presented with awards at the Ocean Grove/Barwon Heads Lions club annual Youth of the Year Quest.
The quest was held...
Having a ball
THE Surfside Waves Soccer Club’s impressive array of 15 teams of Miniroos had a fine sports day recently. Here, the Miniroos are playing bubble...
Snap up the bargains with help from above
THE Ocean Grove Uniting Church continues its busy year with a monster garage sale.
The church will fling open its garage doors on Saturday 29...
Stuart takes the next step
By Justin Flynn
STUART Somerville reckons the Eureka Climb may well be the clincher in catching the bug for stair climbing.
The Ocean Grover will compete...
Club has fun making Waves
THE Surfside Waves celebrated its inaugural season in the new pavilion in style.
For the club’s record-breaking 15 Miniroos teams - from under-7s to under-11s...
Safety first at Ocean Grove
OCEAN Grovers are being encouraged to attend a forum to better understand safety issues in their community.
The Ocean Grove Community Safety Forum will be...
Rallying to the cause
WITH the annual Relay for Life looming closer, the Voice takes a look at some of the participants who will be walking around Collendina...
Grant is a secure sign for Men’s Shed
THE Ocean Grove and District Men’s Shed has benefited from a State Government grant to deter break-ins.
The shed will install a security alarm after...
Carnival atmosphere
A CARNIVAL extravaganza will take over Surfside Primary School when it hosts the first ever twilight Fresh Food Fair on Friday 28 October from...
Kids get creative
A CREATIVE array of artworks was put on display to celebrate the wonderful creativity at Woodlands House.
In its 18th year of the annual Childrens’...