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Kinder’s golden glow

THE Ocean Grove Preschool is turning 50. On 11 September, the preschool will celebrate the half-century milestone with a big function, from 1pm to 4pm. Official...

Travel easy with help from friends

ON the beautiful Bellarine Peninsula, the vibrant and enthusiastic team at helloworld Ocean Grove and Drysdale are a proud part of the local community,...

Come running … it’s spring

Naturewatch I THOUGHT I’d quote EE Cummings and say that “it’s spring and the world is mud-lucious", but instead of the “little lame balloonman whistling...

Long Tan remembered

By Justin Flynn OCEAN Grove/Barwon Heads RSL held a moving ceremony to observe the 50th anniversary of the Battle of Long Tan on 18 August. More...

Sam’s ready for Paralympics

By Justin Flynn OCEAN Grove’s Sam McIntosh will jet off to Florida tomorrow (Saturday) to prepare for his quest for a Paralympics medal. The 26-year-old will...

Spotlight on brigade winners at milestone

Barwon Heads Fire Brigade celebrated 80 years serving the community at an anniversary dinner and awards night recently. Established on 1 July 1936, the brigade...

Three locals among 3000 Ironman competitors

By Justin Flynn Three super-fit locals will converge on Mooloolaba in early September for the first ever Ironman 70.3 World Championships. Ocean Grovers Genevieve Pape and...

Staples threat to dogs

AN OCEAN Grove dog owner is concerned that his pets are being targeted in a series of attacks. The person, who did not wish to...

We’re on for NBN

THE National Broadband Network (NBN) has hit Ocean Grove and it’s time to get up to speed. Troy Wiseman is in charge of getting Grovers...

Seth’s idea is right up there

OCEAN Grover Seth Constable is a finalist in the 'Upstart Challenge', an entrepreneurial program and business ideas competition for secondary school students. Seth, a Year...

Paul proves that winners are grinners

THE winner of the first week of the Live, Shop, Support Local campaign was Paul Rouhan, of Ocean Grove. Paul won $750 of vouchers and...

Rockin’ out to beat the blues

By JUSTIN FLYNN IT’S official - Surfside Waves Soccer Club rocks. The club is passionate about mental health and when club stalwart Cath Sattler came up...

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Harriers turns 40