Design week underway

Deputy mayor Trent Sullivan. (Supplied)

When we think of design, the first thing that comes to mind for many people might be fashion or other creative industries.

But design influences almost everything we come into contact with – from the mobile phone in our pocket, to the car we drive to work in, and of course the home we return to.

Something that’s well designed helps make our lives better and easier. And this is also true when thinking about the design of a place.

Geelong’s rapid growth is a hot topic and how we plan and design our city now will be important as we prepare for a future with a larger population.

Geelong Design Week is underway and is generating some terrific discussion about the many elements of design that go towards shaping a functional and liveable city.

The establishment of a Geelong Design Week was a natural progression once we were designated as an international UNESCO Creative City of Design.

This status reflects our history in design and innovation stretching back tens of thousands of years through the Wadawurrung people, through to our roots in industrial manufacturing.

Alongside the City, prominent organisations are hosting events and the involvement of schools is giving students a chance to put their design talents on show as well.

Design Week is leading to broader conversations in our community about how we see our city in the future and how we can achieve our vision through clever design.

Clearly population growth creates challenges, and we will need a ‘design mindset’ to find solutions – for combating traffic congestion, for protecting our natural environment, and for maintaining equitable access to community facilities.

I’d encourage everyone to look over the final events at

You’re sure to learn something new, and it might spark some broader thinking about what the future might hold for Greater Geelong, or even inspire you to take action.