Good Samaritan’s valuable lesson

Claire Kovacic's phone, bank cards and licence were returned by a good Samaritan. 154737


WITH crime dominating the news and social media, Ocean Grove resident Claire Kovacic knows there are still good people out there.
Claire accidentally dropped her iPhone and case – which contained her bank cards and licence – in Trident Court while walking her son home from kinder.
After getting home and realising she’d lost her phone, she went back out and retraced her steps.
She returned home before it got dark, ready to concede defeat, when she heard the doorbell.
“A Good Samaritan had already picked it up while walking her dog,” Claire said.
“It’s so reassuring to know our neighbours are looking out for each other.”
The woman didn’t give her name, but Claire got her address so she could leave a thank you note.
“I had to persist to get her address as she was not looking for a thank you – just doing the right thing,” Claire said.
“It was a good feeling to know someone had taken the time to – not only to pick it up – but to walk around and deliver it.”

Every day people in Ocean Grove are doing good deeds and looking out for each other. If you know someone who deserves recognition, email