Corangamite counts down

As part of our 2016 Election coverage the Voice asked the Corangamite candidates questions about crime, housing, infrastructure and the environment in Ocean Grove.
Click on the candidate’s picture to see their responses, as well as their pitch to the people of Ocean Grove. Candidates are in the order they appear on the ballot paper.

Here are the questions the Voice asked:

1. Burglaries have doubled in a five-year period in Ocean Grove. Shopfronts in The Terrace have been particularly hard hit, with a number of burglaries this year. While crime here is relatively low compared to the rest of Geelong, crime rates have increased by 17 per cent over a five-year period, exceeding the growth rate of 10 per cent in the same period.
What will you do to prevent burglaries and improve safety in Ocean Grove?

2. Median house prices have increased at a faster rate in Ocean Grove than in the rest of the state, and are more expensive here. There is a clear gap in housing prices between “old” Ocean Grove and new housing estates (of about $200,000 in house prices), which excludes many home buyers from buying in old Ocean Grove. Developers are purchasing more expensive blocks, subdividing or building apartments and changing the look of town, to the chagrin of some residents.
What will you do to make housing more affordable and what will you do to ensure Ocean Grove is developed in line with residents’ expectations?

3. Ocean Grove is a fast growing suburb. The increase in population means a greater need for local roads and infrastructure. For example, there have been calls for another local school (due to high enrolment numbers) and the duplication of Grubb Road. Also, the local surf lifesaving club, which patrols the most-used beach in Victoria, Ocean Grove Main Beach, during summer, has a clubhouse which is need of an upgrade.
What will you do to support and guide the growth of Ocean Grove?

4. As a coastal town, climate change and rising sea levels threaten Ocean Grove. Erosion, illegal activities in the dunes and development all threaten native fauna and flora.
How will you protect Ocean Grove’s environment?

Lawrence_155712_01.jpg Michael Lawrence – Independent

Corangamite counts down 300px Alan Barron – Family First

Steel_155389_01.jpeg Nicholas Steel – Rise Up Australia

Rowe_155640_01.jpg Louis Rowe – Liberal Democrats

Coker_155723_01.jpg Libby Coker – Australian Labor Party

Nelson_155599_01.JPG Patrice Nelson – Derryn Hinch’s Justice Party

Meddick_155694_01.jpg Andy Meddick – Animal Justice Party

Dalton_155687_01.jpg Courtney Dalton – Drug Law Reform Party

Paterson_155594_01.jpg Patchouli Paterson – The Greens

Henderson_154409_01.jpg Sarah Henderson – Liberal