AN initiative by Bellarine Police to help local traders prevent the recent plague of shop break-ins on The Terrace was launched in Ocean Grove.
The Terrace has been hit hard by a spate of break-ins during the past few months, but Bellarine Police Station Commander Shane Madigan believes a few simple precautions will go a long way to discouraging potential thieves.
Police are encouraging local business owners to display a ‘No Cash Left on Premises’ sign on their shop windows and to display their empty till at the front door while closed.
“We’re getting this ‘no cash on premises’ to happen and to try and get our traders to commit to it,” Senior Sargeant Madigan said.
Leading Senior Constable Andrew King said the recent break-ins were a timely reminder for local traders to be more pro-active.
“Too many traders make themselves soft targets,” he said.
“The idea of the till-at-the-door is a reminder to them (thieves) that there is nothing here and it’s not worth your time even bothering.”
Local traders were called to arms by Ocean Grove Business Association president Ty Simons.
“This tactic works for Pakington Street traders, but unfortunately those who do not leave there drawers out are still targeted,” he said. “We can only stop these burglaries if we put on a united front.”
Adele Pattison, from Ian Pattison Jewellers, said the initiative was a great idea.
“I was really impressed with the solidarity in the street and it’s going to make a huge impact, hopefully,” she said.
Stacey Moore, of Bookgrove, said she had never been broken into and had put her empty till out the moment she started her business seven years ago.