IT’S official – Surfside Waves Soccer Club rocks.
The club is passionate about mental health and when club stalwart Cath Sattler came up with an idea to help, she set about putting the Beyond Blue Bash together.
The ‘bash’ will be a night of music and fun on 2 September to support Beyond Blue.
“I was inspired by another soccer player who is a good friend, Katie Neville of Galaxy United, where I am also involved as player welfare mentor,” Cath said.
“Katie ran a big blue bash at Galaxy earlier this year and it inspired me to want to do something for Beyond Blue who do so much to raise awareness for anxiety and depression.”
The musical line-up was put together by Kelly Clancy and features a stunning array of local talent, including Sarah Carroll, the Von Robertsons, Fenn Wilson and Ska Bang.
“It’s fantastic, it will be lovely to see everyone from the soccer club again,” Sarah Carroll said.
“Everyone there is very special to us. We’re really proud of the local community. I always like doing performances here.”
Stigma attached to mental illness is slowly being erased, but Cath said there’s still work to do.
“I just want people to realise it’s OK to not be OK,” she said.
“It’s not a sign of weakness, it’s not a disease that should have a stigma. The more we talk about it, the more people will not be afraid to admit they are suffering from anxiety and depression. I also want people to understand the huge benefits of exercising to help deal with the anxiety. It’s something that helped me back in 2001 when I suffered a mental breakdown and has benefitted ever since as I deal with anxiety on a regular basis.”
Sporting clubs can play vital role for those suffering.
“It gives sufferers an opportunity to get out and exercise to help diffuse the adrenaline that builds up when anxiety rears its ugly head,” Cath said.
“For me, soccer has been such an important escape, playing a sport I love with a group of my best mates, there’s nothing better to beat the blues that that no matter win lose or draw.”
Tickets are $20 and the night kicks off at 6.30pm at Shell Road Reserve. For more details or to purchase a ticket contact Cath on 0434 488 008 or Kelly on 0405 707 670.
Feeling depressed or need to talk to someone? Contact Beyond Blue at www.beyondblue.org.au or 1300 223 646.