Family violence figures released

Greater Geelong is experiencing an increase in family violence despite figures from the Crime Statistics Agency (CSA) showing a reduction in reported incidents statewide.

The 2021-22 Victorian Family Violence Database shows incidents of family violence decreased by 3 per cent across the state following increases throughout COVID-19, although Geelong’s Sexual Assault & Family Violence Centre said statistics remain high.

Official figures from the CSA reveal the number of serious family violence incidents recorded by police decreased by 13 per cent throughout Greater Geelong during the last financial year, however, common assault family violence increased by 7.5 per cent.

The Sexual Assault & Family Violence Centre CEO Helen Bolton said the number of women and children seeking support from the Geelong West centre for family violence remained high, with 1145 clients supported during the past financial year.

“This is significantly higher than the number of clients supported pre-pandemic, with 16 per cent more women and children seeking support for family violence case management from our organisation,” she said.

“Fifty two per cent of clients seeking family violence case management support presented at higher risk, serious risk or serious risk requiring immediate protection in the past financial year.”

Ms Bolton said not all women and children who have been impacted by family violence will report to police.

“Case management support includes identifying the level of risk, safety planning, relocation or access to crisis accommodation and high security refuge, court support and collaboration with other support services,” she said.

“The pandemic has seen an increase and exacerbation of family violence across our community, and we continue to see the impacts of this increase today.

“However we have also seen an increase in the awareness of family violence in our community and the importance of having these conversations to remove the stigma and silence of family violence.”