By Natalee Kerr
Ocean Grove’s Oliver is set to lose his hair in a bid to honour his pop and raise money for charity.
The grade six Surfside Primary School pupil said he was inspired to take part in the World’s Greatest Shave because his pop, Mark, has been fighting cancer.
“Pop had been going through chemo,” Oliver told the Voice.
“I then saw an advertisement on TV for the shave and I knew I wanted to get involved.
“Pop is really proud of me.”
The World’s Greatest Shave raises funds for the Leukaemia Foundation – a not-for-profit organisation assisting more than 110,000 Australians living with blood cancer or related disorders.
Oliver initially wanted to raise $1000 for the charity, but after reaching the target in less than a week, he made a new goal of $2000.
“I was pretty blown away by the support,” he said. “My school has really gotten behind it.”
This year the shave will celebrate its 22nd anniversary, making it one of Australia’s longest running fundraising events.
The 11-year-old said he was not “that scared” about being the only Surfside pupil to face the shaver on March 13.
“It did take a bit of courage, but it was a pretty easy decision to go do it,” he said.
“I feel a bit nervous, but it feels good knowing I’m doing it for a good cause.”
Oliver’s mum, Leah, said she was “so proud” of her son who “eagerly” volunteered to shave his head.
“He approached me out of the blue and asked if he can do it,” she said.
“He has such a kind heart, he always wants to do things for other people.”