If you’ve ever wanted to join the Ocean Grove on Barwon Ladies Probus Club, then now is your time.
The club has 19 vacancies, the most in its 22 years of operation.
Six of the original foundation members remain, but the club is searching for more members for its monthly catch up.
“It’s gotten to the stage where we need more members,” life-member Margaret Gravett said.
“A lot of us live alone and it’s important to have that contact with people,” president Marian Hosking said.
“The group provides fellowship and friendship and wonderful outings.”
Members enjoy a lunch at a local venue after every meeting and the club organises many outings and activities, including a walking group, book club, canasta games, shows at the Potato Shed, movies at Readings Cinemas, bus trips and coffee-and-cake chats.
Any women interested in joining can go along to the monthly meetings, which are held on the third Wednesday of each month at St Peter’s Church Hall in Ocean Grove from 10am to noon or they contact Marian Hosking on 0439 383 927 or Anna Nicholson on 0418 171 787.