The Geelong Heritage and Library Centre will host a free multicultural fashion exhibition featuring works of the region’s designers and makers.
Regional Runways will present the Tamaduni (meaning tradition in Swahili) Fashion Exhibition on level 5 of the 51 Little Malop Street library from June 6 to July 6.
Robyn Lucas co-founded Regional Runways with Catherine Jonathan and said the exhibition supported multicultural and First Nations women in the Geelong region.
“There’s close to 51 different cultural communities (in the Geelong region) and we’re trying to foster that cultural appreciation,” she said.
“The exhibition promotes understanding and inclusivity through interactive and engaging activities with the wider community; the library’s perfect for that.
“Rather than having a fashion parade which would go for one evening, we’re trying to show the work by having it in the library, which has a diverse and intergenerational membership.”
Ms Lucas said the exhibition shared stories through textiles and allowed people to experience a contemporary take on traditional culture.
“We’re trying to create a more inclusive and connected community by advocating to people who might want to take something they’re doing to the next level,” she said.
“It’s equally important to be inclusive of all cultures and genders. That’s why we needed to have something that can go for enough time for people to explore and to get the word out about it.
“The trade and tradition of making fabric and embroidery is an art form and it’s important to share these stories with the Geelong community, which is changing, growing and becoming more diverse.”
Tickets for the exhibition’s June 6 opening night from 6pm to 8pm was essential. Visit eventbrite.com.au/e/tamaduni-multicultural-fashion-exhibition-tickets-895675809457 to reserve a spot.