The youth of Barwon Heads is one step closer to getting a dedicated bike track.
The City of Greater Geelong will engage directly with key stakeholders and the wider Barwon Heads community as it begins a study into the development of a ‘bike pump track’ in Barwon Heads Village Park.
Deputy Mayor Trent Sullivan said the concept plan will aim to meet community expectations in line with the Council-adopted Village Park Masterplan.
“Pump tracks are fun to ride for all ages and abilities, helping to develop fitness, skills and coordination,” Cr Sullivan said.
“The pump track will encourage cycling activities to take place in a space away from the built-up areas, enabling exercise and cycling in a safe environment for fun and recreation.”
Two design layouts have been created for the proposed local level pump track based on early community feedback.
Bellarine Ward councillor Jim Mason said the track had received strong support from the local community, particularly young bike riders, during the development of the park master plan.
“Both designs include elements for beginner and intermediate riders including single and double bumps, banked turns, and linked turns,” Cr Mason said.
“The track will be able to be used by all types of bikes, so we’re keen to ensure the wider community is involved in the project to guide the plan.”
A Have your Say Page ( was launched on Wednesday March 9, seeking community involvement throughout the project.
An onsite face to face consultation will occur on Tuesday March 15 from 4pm to 7pm.
Once the concept plan is finalised, the project will move onto construction, subject to a successful budget bid.