Ocean Grove Rotary held its 10th annual art show over the weekend of November 27 and 28.
The art show was not held last year due to the pandemic and organisers were pleased with the number of artists and entries this year.
On display were 281 entries from 93 artists and 25 artworks were sold over the weekend.
The judge was Ted Dansey FVAS, who is a member and former general manager of the Victorian Artists Society, a member of the Watercolor Society of Victoria and a member of the Hobsons Bay Art Society.
City of Greater Geelong mayor Stephanie Asher officially opened the art show. She was impressed by the number and diversity of entries and congratulated all the artists.
Best Overall winner was ‘Beach Morning Fun’ by Do Noble. Winner of the Printmaking section was ‘Pines of Rome’ by Anne Pinkas.
‘The Source’ by Annie Finkelde won the Painting section. First in the Drawing section was Kerrie Sullivan’s ‘Africa’s Thunder – Buffalo with Lilac Breasted Rollers’.
John Wood’s ‘The Point’ won the Abstract /Semi-Abstract. ‘The Stand Off’ by Julie Reason was the winner of the Australian Flora/Fauna section.
“The main two disabled charities that we have supported each year of the 10 art shows are the Disabled Surfers and Riding Develops Abilities,” art show chair John Calnin said.
“Both are extremely worthy causes that we are pleased to support.”
Rotary is planning to hold a Treasured Art Sale in conjunction with a summer market early next year.