From the Archives

3 years ago - July 2 to 15, 2021

7 years ago

June 21 to July 4, 2017

People power looks to have saved the Barwon Heads Library.

Around 400 people attended a rally to save the library on Sunday, where it was announced that Council is likely to abolish its plans to close the library.

5 years ago

July 3 to 16, 2019

An Ocean Grove GP is under police investigation for two alleged sexual assaults.

Victoria Police confirmed the investigation to the Indy yesterday.

3 years ago

July 2 to 15, 2021

Tourists have flocked to caravan parks and camping grounds across the Bellarine Peninsula for the winter school holidays.

With Victorians advised to avoid interstate travel due to COVID-19 outbreaks in New South Wales, Queensland, Western Australia and the Northern Territory, the Bellarine’s accommodation providers are reporting a surge in bookings.

1 years ago

June 30 to July 13, 2023

Geelong council has approved its 2023-24 budget, fully restoring funding for lifesavers but only partially so for the Geelong Regional Library Corporation (GRLC).

At a tense and sometimes fractious council meeting on Tuesday councillors by turns goaded and attempted to soothe a public gallery bent on having its voice heard.