Walking for culture in Queenscliff

Wadawurrung cultural experience walking sessions will take part in Queenscliff. (Supplied)

Queenscliff community members can learn more about the Wadawurrung culture and gain knowledge and connection through walking experiences.

The Borough of Queenscliffe partnered with the Wadawurrung Traditional Owners Aboriginal Corporation (WTOAC) to deliver three two-hour walking sessions from Wirrng Wirrng.

WTOAC Ngarrwa (learning and knowledge) officer Ash Skinner said the event introduced people to the cultural landscape of Wadawurrung country and people, with the first session on May 22.

The Wadawurrung man said it was important for the community to understand that the Wadawurrung people were “still here” and “teaching our community”.

“Some of the topics we cover include the importance of interaction with Country and how to understand and interpret the changing of our landscape,” he said.

“We also share oral history and insights into the longstanding cultural heritage of the country and the resilience of our people.

“Practices we have undertaken for tens of thousands of years are still done today, and it is important for local communities to understand how they can also help care for country.”

A Borough of Queenscliffe spokesperson said the community wanted to improve relationships with the land’s Traditional Owners.

“As we develop our understanding of the deep history of this land and its people, we appreciate more and more the knowledge and wisdom of the Traditional Owners,” they said.

“It is a chance to hear Wadawurrung stories that have been passed down through generations, to learn about care of Country, and to expand our knowledge of Wadawurrung culture.”

The next Wadawurrung cultural experience sessions will begin at Wirrng Wirrng on June 14 from 10am to noon.

Registrations for the events are essential and can be done at queenscliffe.vic.gov.au/Your-Council/News-and-projects/Latest-news/Wadawurrung-Cultural-Experience-Sessions-On-Country