Member for Bellarine Lisa Neville visited Our Lady Star of the Sea Primary School to open its new multi-purpose learning centre on Monday March 28.
The centre incorporates four general learning areas, a collaborative area, extra hall and staff space and extension to the school’s car park.
After consultation with the community and traditional owners, the centre has been named Djila Tjarri, a local Wathaurong word for ‘play’.
The $3.335 million project was made possible through a funding partnership between the school, which raised $1.335 million, and the state government which contributed $2 million.
“Our Lady Star of the Sea is a great school and I have been pleased to work with principal Kerryn Sells and her team in securing state government funding to build this first-class multi-purpose hall,” Minister Neville said.
“The partnership between the Our Lady Star of the Sea and the state government has ensured students have the best facilities, classrooms have the best teachers and as a result each child is given every chance to succeed.
“The Bellarine is fortunate to have a network of quality schools right across the peninsula including of course Our Lady Star of the Sea.”