Have you ever wanted to ring a belltower in a church?
St Paul’s Anglican Church Geelong is holding an open day where volunteers will show you up the stairs and into the ringing room to explain how they make the bells chime.
Church warden David Heyes said it’s not just a matter of dropping a switch or tugging on a rope.
“It’s an ancient skill and fascinating art that can be learned by young and old,” he said.
“If you have ever heard the sound of the bells and wondered about the strange music they create, now is your chance to find out more.”
St Paul’s on Latrobe Terrace is the proud owner of the only set of tower bells in Geelong that are designed to be rung in the original English style.
They were originally cast at the Whitechapel bell foundry in 1864.
In 1981 after a major public appeal, enough money was raised to return the bells and fittings to the foundry in England for a complete restoration.
They have been rung out every Sunday over the city and often for public occasions of rejoicing.
The open day is on Sunday November 6 between 1.30pm and 4pm and members of the public are invited to visit the tower and see the ringers in action and even ring the bell themselves.