Public-art feedback wanted

Mayor Stretch Kontelj with The News Boy (Frank Costa). (supplied)

The City of Greater Geelong wants your feedback on public art.

Well-known examples of public art in the region include The Newsboy (Frank Costa) statue and the relocatable ‘I AM’ sculpture currently at Geelong Botanic Gardens.

The City’s new Public Art Strategy will provide clear direction for the City‘s public art program and establish processes to drive a contemporary program and vision for the next decade.

Geelong Mayor Stretch Kontelj OAM said public art was important to Greater Geelong’s character and identity.

“Public art such as the Poppy Kettle statues near Cunningham Pier, The Secret playable structure at Boronggook Drysdale Library and central Geelong’s Women’s Street Art Commission Project spark interest in people of all ages and renew our urban areas,” he said.

“We want to continue providing a public art program over the next 10 years that meets community and creative industry expectations, enriches our lives, celebrates who we are and attracts visitors to Greater Geelong.”

Interactive workshops for community members of all backgrounds will be held to share ideas and experiences on Thursday April 3 at Wurriki Nyal and at Barwon Heads Arts Hub on Saturday April 5.

Libraries in central Geelong, Corio, Lara, Armstrong Creek and Drysdale will host informal pop-up sessions across various dates to encourage casual conversations.

Community members can also fill out the survey at and indicate what existing public art they value on the interactive map, say what public art they love in Geelong or beyond and share great local stories that could be explored through public art. Feedback closes on Sunday April 27.