Music student receives Premier’s Award

Marcus Rosman received a Premier's Award for his perfect study score in VCE Music Performance last week. (Patrick Callow)

A Bellarine Secondary College student has been recognised for his achievements in VCE VET Music Performance last year.

Marcus Rosman was presented with a Premier’s VCE Award at a ceremony in Melbourne last week for his perfect study score of 50 in Music Performance.

VET Music Performance scored assessment consists of an end of year performance worth 50 per cent of the overall study score, as well as three coursework tasks.

Marcus said he was in shock when he was notified he would receive the award.

“When I got that result (of 50) I was really happy with it, but then I just moved on to what I was doing next,” he said.

“When I got the letter it just brought it all back, a reminder that it was a really good achievement. So yeah, I was pretty happy with it.”

A largely self-taught drummer, Marcus said while his parents always listened to a lot of rock music at home he found music performance “accidentally”.

“I didn’t listen to much music before high school, but then my friends had all done music in primary school, they all knew how to play instruments,” he said.

“None of them had picked drums, so I did because no one knew how to do it.”

Now performing regularly around Geelong and Melbourne with rock band Blondehouse, Marcus hopes to pursue music full-time but also has a backup plan of paramedicine.

He thanked his teachers Barry Davies and Steve McEwan, who he said were “very important people” to him through his VCE.

“They were really understanding and accommodating of everything that was going on,” Marcus said.

“I felt a lot of support from them with what I wanted to get done and they were always there.”