Torquay Lions Club is spreading awareness ahead of World Diabetes Day on November 14.
The club is encouraging locals and visitors to join it on Sunday November 13 at 10.30am at the Lions Sundial to walk or run to Point Danger and back as part of the Lions Clubs Australia ‘Lap the Map’ event.
“Torquay Lions and other Lions across the country are putting their walking shoes on for the annual ‘Lap the Map’ event where we all aim to have a combined distance travelled that will exceed Australia’s circumference (25,760km) by World Diabetes Day,” club president Colin Bellis said.
Registration for the walk is a $5 donation (children are free) and all donations will go to the Lions Australia Diabetes Foundation for diabetes awareness, prevention and research.
“Last year, Lions Australia not only lapped the map once but reported a combined distance of 199,875km, almost 7.75 times the distance of Australia’s circumference,” Mr Bellis said.
“The Lions ‘Lap the Map’ family friendly walks and campaigns in the community encourage people to get outside and have a walk to promote healthy lifestyle and raise awareness of the Diabetes epidemic in Australia.
“Across Australia 1.3 million people have been diagnosed with diabetes and 283 people are diagnosed every day.”
More information on the club’s website and Facebook pages.