Farewell and thank you

Bellarine Ward councillor Jim Mason. (supplied)

After seven rewarding years as a Bellarine ward councillor, the time has come for me to step back and reflect on the journey we’ve shared.

It has been an honour to work alongside a community that cares deeply about its future, and I am grateful for the opportunity I’ve had in contributing to the growth and well-being of our region.

When I first took on this role, my focus was on enhancing the quality of life for everyone in our municipality.

I’ve always believed that local government plays a crucial role in shaping the places where we live, work and play.

Over the years, I’ve been fortunate to witness firsthand how our collective efforts have led to meaningful changes on the Bellarine.

I am particularly proud of the work we’ve done to protect our precious natural environment.

From preserving the unique character of our townships to advocating for sustainable development, the Bellarine’s natural beauty has always been at the forefront of my agenda.

Another area close to my heart has been ensuring that our community remains inclusive, safe and healthy.

While serving on various committees and forums, I’ve had the privilege of helping shape policies that address some of the most critical issues of our time.

Whether it’s been our commitment to the environment, our proactive stance on climate change or our efforts to support First Nations communities, I am pleased to have played a part in laying the groundwork for a sustainable and inclusive future.

The friendships and partnerships I’ve formed over the years with many active members in our community have been invaluable, and I am thankful for the opportunity to collaborate with so many dedicated individuals.

Working with council’s staff has been another rewarding aspect of my role. I have been continually impressed by their dedication, expertise and progressive outlook.

As a councillor, I’ve also had the satisfaction of helping many people solve problems that matter to them.

Whether it’s been advocating for social and sporting infrastructure or addressing individual concerns, seeing these projects come to fruition has been incredibly fulfilling.

Our collective efforts have led to tangible improvements in our community, and I take great pride in the role I’ve played in this ongoing development.

However, as I step down, I recognise there is still work to be done.

One area where I wish we could have made more progress is the development of Shared Trails connecting townships along dedicated biolinks.

These trails represent not just pathways for recreation but vital links between communities and nature.

While we’ve made strides, I hope future efforts will see these projects completed, enhancing both connectivity and environmental sustainability across the Bellarine Peninsula.

Looking back, I am filled with gratitude for the trust you placed in me to represent our community.

My journey as a councillor has been deeply rewarding, and I leave this role with a sense of accomplishment and optimism for the future.

While I am stepping down from my official role, my commitment to the Bellarine remains strong.

I will continue to be an active member of our community, supporting the causes and projects that align with our shared values.

Thank you for the privilege of representing you all. It has been an honour, and I look forward to seeing the Bellarine continue to thrive in the years to come.

I wish you all the very best for the future and if you see me around don’t hesitate to say hi.