They sought him here, they sought him there, they sought him everywhere … that elusive glorious green and red Pip-ernell!
Pip, the Apple Fair’s mascot, has been been busy playing hide and seek with excited Prep students at Ocean Grove primary school recently as preparations move into full swing for the school’s annual big event.
The school will kick off the long weekend with this popular fun-filled event on Friday 10 March, from 4pm.
Now in its 22nd year, the twilight Apple Fair is hugely popular with families, locals and visitors to the Bellarine, as well as an important fund-raiser for the school.
There will be carnival rides, silent and live auctions, traditional village fair activities, delicious baked goods, fabulous hot food, Flying Brick Cider and fantastic live entertainment on stage all evening.
This year, the Apple Fair is introducing writstbands which can be pre-purchased from the school for $40 each and will then allow unlimited carnival rides and avoid the hassle of purchasing tickets on the night.
For more information, or to purchase ride wrtistbands, please contact Ocean Grove Primary School on 5255 1340.
This year’s special guests at the fair will include the Apple Fairies, the Ocean Grove Primary School parent band.
The Apple Fairies are Matt Shanahan, Aaron Wales, Bianca Forrester, Andrew Vickers, Phil Turnour and Tara Lynch. All of the “fairies“ have performed as professional musicians for many years and decided to come together to create a fun night of music for the Apple Fair.
“We have decided to go with an ’80s theme as this is the music of our childhood. Many of the songs have been made popular by children’s movies and popular culture so the children will also relate. Expect to hear some Ghostbusters, Edge of 17, Boys in Town, Shook Me All Night Long and many more,“ band member Tara Lynch said.
“We also have the Bec Fairy ’80s dance troupe joining us as a flash mob for Footloose. There will be lots of big hair, shoulder pads, epic ballads and rock anthems.
“The focus is on having a good time and getting all the children and parents on the dance floor. Hopefully we will not embarrass our children too much.“