Reflecting on Book Week


It’s Book Week (August 17 to 23) and we asked some Geelong Regional Libraries librarians about their favourite books, past and present.

Grace – Children’s & Youth Services Librarian, Leopold Library

What are you currently reading?

I’m currently reading Scout and the Rescue Dogs by Diana Wolfer. As a dog lover, I was immediately drawn to this title. It’s been shortlisted in the Younger Reader Category by the Children’s Book Council of Australia (CBCA). The story unfolds during the 2019/20 bushfires, following Scout and her dad as they journey to donate dog food to animal shelters. Along the way, they also connect shelter dogs with truck drivers in need of companionship.

Favourite childhood book?

This is such a tough one! I’ve always adored Elizabeth Honey, especially her book The Ballad of Cauldron Bay from the Stella Street series. My grandma gifted it to me on my 12th birthday, so it holds a special place in my heart. The story, narrated by Henni Octon, captures the essence of being a teenager, navigating friendships, and spending a holiday in an old beach house. I also love the little illustrations included in the book.

Favourite book of all time?

One book that has stayed with me is Looking for Alibrandi by Melina Marchetta. It’s a deeply moving story about Josephine Alibrandi’s final year of high school as she uncovers family secrets, experiences her first relationship, and meets her father for the first time. This book made me laugh and cry, and I was captivated by its story of being an Italian-Australian.

Amelia – Children’s & Youth Services Librarian, Lara Library

What are you currently reading?

I am reading one of the Notable books from the Older Reader category of Book of the Year, The Sinister Booksellers of Bath. In book two of this urban fantasy series it has once again fallen to the booksellers to keep the dangerous magic under cover. With complex and interesting world building it’s a fun read for lovers of this genre of all ages.

Favourite childhood book?

I absolutely the Moomin books by Finnish author Tove Jansson. I scoured op shops for old paperback copies. They are about a family of trolls (who look a bit like hippos) and promote the values of love, kindness, tolerance and friendship. I loved all the odd supporting characters and many children will see themselves reflected in the stories. All the creatures love and respect the nature around them and this forms an important part of the stories.

Favourite book of all time?

A book called Perfume may sound lovely and conjure images of myriad flowers, but it is anything but. Written by Patrick Suskind it is the story of a orphaned child born with an extraordinary sense of smell. This incredible skill causes him to become obsessed with the smells that surround him. Set in the slums of eighteenth-century Paris it has an uncanny ability to have the reader imagining the smell of the most horrendous scents as they are so beautifully described. Not for the squeamish.

KatyAnne – Children’s & Youth Services Librarian, Torquay Library

What are you currently reading?

The Pearl Sister by Lucinda Riley, part of The Seven Sisters series. After having so many patrons recommend this series, I had to find out what all the fuss was about. I’ve been pleasantly surprised as it’s a historical fiction that covers many stories set around the world across centuries. This is book four in the series and is set in Australia. A relaxing, entertaining, and educational read.

Favourite childhood book?

The Eleventh Hour, by Graeme Base. I remember buying this at a toy story on school holidays with my pocket money. I then spent the entire two weeks, rifling through the pages, pencil on hand, trying to figure out all the puzzles and clues embedded throughout. I love the rhyme and illustrations in all of Graeme’s books, along with the puzzles and mystery.

Favourite book of all time?

Tough question but I have to say Tomorrow When the War Began by John Marsden. It was the first series of books that every made me cry… and I mean full bawling, ugly cry! I read it when I was a teenager and found it to be the perfect balance of adventure, action, romance and coming of age.

Ilona – Children’s & Youth Services Librarian, Leopold Library

What are you currently reading?

As a judge for the Children’s Book Council of Australia (CBCA) Younger Readers category 2024-2025, I am already reading the books being entered for next year’s award. I’m looking forward to our conference in February when we decide the shortlist, honour books and winner.

Favourite childhood book?

I devoured The Babysitters Club series as a child. It’s exciting seeing them being released as graphic novels and finding a new audience.

Favourite book of all time?

When I’m not reading children’s fiction I really enjoy crime novels. My favourite is Tell the Truth, Shame the Devil by Melina Marchetta, who also wrote the classic Australian young adult novel Looking for Alibrandi.