Bellarine Historical Society Inc.
Sunday March 30, 2pm, Remembering the Edina, talk and short film Steamship Travel on the Bellarine, Courthouse Museum, 11 High St, Drysdale. refreshments from 1.30pm.
■ Ann 0407-234 541
Ocean Grove Library
Tuesday March 25, 2pm-3pm Author talk: No Place Quite Like it
Wednesday March 26, 2pm-3pm Book Chat; 5.30pm-6.30pm Lecture: Birdlife on the Bellarine
Thursdays 3pm-4pm Tech Help – drop in session for basic tech needs
Mondays 10.30am-11.30am Preschool story time
Tuesdays 4pm-5pm Youth Collective (ages 12-18)
Wednesdays 9.30am-10am Toddler Time
Thursdays 11.30am-11.50am Baby Time
Thursdays 4pm-5pm Play with OSMOs
The Big Read
Motivate and deepen your reading, focused reading of classics – books that have stood the test of time beginning with George Eliot’s ‘Middlemarch’ (free to download). Meets every other Wednesday from February 5, 10.30am-noon, Ocean Grove Senior Citizens’ Club, 101 The Terrace.
■ Paul 0425-110 792
Barefoot bowls
Point Lonsdale Bowls Club every Friday and Sunday evening during the holidays. Live music every second Sunday.
■ 5258 1150
Ballroom dance
Leopold Hall, Leopold Hall, 805-809 Bellarine Hwy, Saturday January 25, 7.30pm-11pm, $10 includes supper, music Charles.
■ 0419-463 306
Live music
Bellarine Country Music Group meets Friday nights at Belmont Park Pavilion, music 7pm-10pm, $10 entry all welcome.
Drysdale Bowling & Croquet Club, Clifton Springs Rd, Tuesdays from 10am for training, bring a friend.
■ 0428-740 591
Ocean Grove Soft Tennis
Friendly group of active women retirees who have played soft tennis for many years. The game is similar to Pickleball. Ocean Grove Memorial Hall, 123 The Avenue, Mondays 1.30pm-3.30pm.
No experience necessary. Just a desire to keep fit and have fun.
■ Megan 0439-317 344
CWA Nightlights Ocean Grove meets the first and third Monday of the month, 2.30pm, Seniors Club, 102 The Terrace, Ocean Grove. All welcome.
■ Kareen 041-924 6346, Janis 5255 4585
Bellarine Women’s Workshop
Portarlington Girl Guides Hall. Meets every second Thursday, and second Saturday of the month.
■ Facebook: Bellarine Women’s Workshop for further details
Book club
Leopold CAE book club meets second Tuesday each month from 6.30pm. Very friendly group. New members welcome.
■ Shirley 0488-055 969
Chess clubs
For chess fun simply come along and see yourself, play some chess, meet some members, with no obligation to join. We welcome players of all abilities. Ocean Grove, Tuesdays at 1.30pm at 101 The Terrace, Ocean Grove; Portarlington, Mondays at 9.30am, Parks Hall, 87 Newcombe Street, Portarlington; and St Leonards, Thursdays at 9.30am, unit 2 1375-1377 Murradoc Rd, (on Blanche St), St Leonards.
■ Ralph 0431-458 100 (Ocean Grove), Rob 5259 2290 (Portarlington), Lyn 5292 2162 (St Leonards)
Carpet bowls
Leopold Hall 805-809 Bellarine Highway, Leopold on Wednesday and Friday from 1pm to 3.15pm. Admission: $4 includes afternoon tea.
■ 0400 500 402
Scottish country dancing classes
GOG Scottish Country Dance classes 7.30pm Tuesdays at Leopold Hill Hall, $5. No partner needed, just comfy casual clothing and flat shoes.
■ Jane 0481-126 022, or Barbara 0419-511
Ocean Grove Senior Citizens
101 The Terrace, Ocean Grove
Tuesday: snooker 1pm, chess, indoor bowls 1.15pm. Wednesday: bingo 1.15pm, ukulele class 2pm, guitar jam session 4pm. Thursday: snooker 1pm, cards 500, social afternoons 1.15pm. Friday: art classes 9am.
CWA 1st & 3rd Monday 2.30pm
■ Kareen 0419-246 346, Janis 5255 4585
Inhouse Movies 3rd Wednesday 1.30pm.
■ Dianne 5255 1372
Ocean Grove Seniors play card game 500 every Thursday at 1.15pm. If you are new to the game a quick lesson will get you in play. The core group of six players adjust to any number and you will enjoy the friendship of like-minded players. Cost: $30 annually and coffee included. At 101 The Terrace, Ocean Grove.
■ Dianne 5255 1372
TOWN club
The Springs TOWN Club (Take Off Weight Naturally) meets Mondays, 9-10.30am at the Community Hub, 23 Eversley Street, Drysdale. Weigh-in, group therapy and regular relaxation sessions. Cost: $5 per session, $54 annual fee.
■ Bev 0421-636 830
Ocean Grove Day VIEW
Meets second Wednesday of the month, 10.30am for 11am.
■ oceangroveday.viewclub@gmail.com
Drysdale Day VIEW
Supporting The Smith Family for fun and friendship while supporting disadvantaged
Students. Meetings at Portarlington Golf Club for lunch on the fourth Friday of each month.
■ Margaret 0431-636 090
Ocean Grove Evening VIEW
Meets on the fourth Wednesday of the month at 6.30pm. Supporting disadvantaged children through education.
■ oceangroveevening.viewclub@gmail.com
Ocean Grove on Barwon Probus
Meets 9.45am for 10am every third Wednesday at Ocean Grove Golf Club.
Drysdale Ladies Probus Club
Meets at 10.30am on the fourth Monday of each month at the Clifton Springs Golf Club.
■ Lorraine 0412-805 858
Afternoon tea dance
Life Activities Club [Geelong Inc] hosts an afternoon tea dance on Thursdays, 2-4pm, at Belmont Park Pavilion. Entry: $5.
■ 5251 3529
CWA Drysdale
Meets Drysdale RSL, Princess St, Drysdale on the second Tuesday of the month. Meetings start at 1pm followed by afternoon tea. Friendly group looking to recruit new members.
■ Jenni 0452-258 333