Pet hub growing rapidly

Cherished Pets'' Dr Jenny Turton and vet nurse Glenda Stewart check on Jackson''s heartbeat. (Justin Flynn) 189422

Ocean Grove’s much-loved Cherished Pets has received a $30,000 PSA grant from PETstock Assist.

This will enable Cherished Pets to continue to support an estimated 10 to 15 pets and people as part of their Foundation’s community pet care project.

Cherished Pets exists to enable the benefits of the human animal bond to be accessible to all.

Specifically, Cherished Pets Foundation is a charity that supports the pets of vulnerable people, due to the recognised benefits of companion pets for people who are socially isolated and disadvantaged.

Additionally, it serves to protect the wellbeing of pets by building capacity and capability of pet owners to meet their health and wellbeing needs.

On average the cost price to support each beneficiary for a 12-month period is $2000 to $3000 depending on the level of care required. The foundation is currently supporting 40 people and demand is growing.

Dr Alicia Kennedy said $15,000 of the grant provides untied funding for the following services: case management, triage support, emergency care plans, volunteer program, training and behaviour support, emergency respite care, bereavement support if required.

Dr Kennedy said $10,000 of the grant provides access to veterinary services at PETstock Waurn Ponds and $5000 of the grant is for retail products and merchandise to support our wellness program of providing parasite prevention and quality food to selected participants. Some of this money will also be used for food for pets in emergency respite care with our volunteer carers.

Dr Kennedy said the partnership with PETstock was already flourishing.

“It’s working really well – they’re a really nice team,” she said.

“We are very happy and very grateful.

“Demand for our social service is growing. This grant secures our service to a significant number of people and helps us serve a growing demand, while continuing to improve the way our services are delivered.

“We see this collaboration with PETstock as an excellent example of how values aligned corporates and smaller organisations can work together towards a common purpose.”

MEANWHILE Cherished Pets is firmly entrenched in its new community hub on Madeley St in Ocean Grove.

“It’s allowed us to start our GP clinic,” Dr Kennedy said.

“We’re growing the GP service through the hub.

“Our point of difference as a vet service is that we are bond-centred. We support people as well as pets and we allow more time for consultations.”

Dr Kennedy said the community has gotten behind Cherished Pets, but many still don’t know about it.

“We want the community to know the hub is open and we’re here for all pet owners,” she said.

Dr Kennedy said Cherished Pets “desperately needs volunteer respite carers”.

Contact Cherished Pets for more information,