Drysdale’s Customer Service Centre will relocate just a short 100 metres across the street on April 13.
The centre will leave its 18/20 Hancock St premises to the innovative new $9.15 million Boronggook (Bo-rong-gook) Drysdale Library at 10 Wyndham Street.
The existing customer service centre will be closed from Friday 24 March, and the library from Saturday 25 March, to Wednesday 12 April while the move to the new community facility takes place.
Services will resume from both the library and the customer service centre located at the Boronggook Drysdale Library on Thursday 13 April.
Members of the community will be able to access specialist in-person customer assistance from expert staff on site to help people with specific requests.
While the existing Drysdale Customer Service is closed as the move takes place, those requiring in-person customer assistance can still connect with the City’s Customer Service team by:
calling 5272 5272, Monday to Friday from 8am to 5pm
emailing contactus@geelongcity.vic.gov.au
logging a request for service via our app; or
registering to access services via myGeelong
Wurriki Nyal Customer Service Centre – 137 – 149 Mercer St, Geelong
Payments for council accounts can also be made online or at an Australia Post outlet.
Mayor Trent Sullivan said it was pleasing the new Boronggook Drysdale Library included a customer service centre.
“By transitioning our former Drysdale Customer Service Centre to the new Boronggook Drysdale Library we are ensuring the community continues to get the highest level of care and best in-person service,” he said.
“We thank the Drysdale and surrounding Bellarine community for their understanding as we make the move to this incredible new space, and we look forward to providing the highest level of service when we open to the public.”