Farewell from the mayor

Former Geelong mayor Stephanie Asher. (supplied)

Earlier this week I officially departed the role of City of Greater Geelong Mayor for a range of personal reasons.

I want to take this opportunity to say how grateful I am to have led a Council that has given its all to advancing the cause of our region.

In addition, I want to pay particular thanks to the residents of Ocean Grove and the broader Bellarine community who have been such wonderful supporters and who share my passion for a sustainable future.

There are so many achievements this Council group can be proud of, and one project I am pleased was completed in recent days is the shared trail between Thirteenth Beach and Barwon Heads.

It has been a personal passion project of mine and I’m stoked to see it finished.

This trail will not only encourage active transport but it provides a safe option for kids to ride their bikes and go for a surf.

For those unfamiliar with the project, the 450-metre-long and 2.5-metre-wide gravel path links the car park nearest the end of Stephens Parade with the surf life saving club on Thirteenth Beach Road.

Investment in new shared trails and shared paths is an ongoing focus of Council, with several million dollars allocated to an array of projects in our Proposed 2022-23 Budget.

Our Shared Trails Master Plan outlines our aim to create a fully connected network of trails across Greater Geelong, with a specific focus on addressing the trail gaps on the Bellarine.

It focuses on safe and direct links to make it easier for people to enjoy a leisurely stroll, walk the dog or ride a bike to popular locations.

This new trail provides a safe and healthy way for people to enjoy everything Barwon Heads has to offer.

Safe travels and thank you to all involved.