Grovers in a bad start

Abby Richardson plays a nice straight bat during the Ocean Grove Under 15s Red vs White game. Pictures: JUSTIN FLYNN 176259

Under 17: Ocean Grove 7/108 (cc) def Alexander Thomson Abley 5/67 (cc)
Round 6 saw Ocean Grove away at Alexander Thomson. After losing the toss the Ocean Grove innings got off to a poor start, losing 2/0 in the first over. Brad Walder (48 not out) led the recovery and was well supported by Louis Beale (11) initially, and then by hard-hitting Liam Mullen (31) to get the innings back on track. A very slow outfield made scoring boundaries difficult, and the innings was highlighted by excellent running between the wickets. Given the conditions, Ocean Grove finished with a competitive total of 7/108 from their 25 overs.
In the field Ocean Grove started well with Flynn Hardiman (2/3 off 5 overs) and Bailey LeMaistre (0/9 off 4 overs) bowling accurately and building pressure on Alexander Thomson. It was a strong bowling and fielding display from Ocean Grove, restricting Alexander Thomson to 5/67 from their 25 overs. Jake Wilson (1/5), Will Richardson (1/12) and Tahj Wirth (1/3) picked up wickets, while Brad Walder led the way in the field with a catch and a stumping.
Under 17: Ocean Grove 9/87 (cc) lost to Murgheboluc 3/95
Round 7 was a one day game away against Murgheboluc. Flynn Hardiman won the toss and decided to bat, but Ocean Grove was soon in trouble against some accurate bowling, slumping to 5/25. Bailey LeMaistre (20) led the recovery, and was well supported by Harry Tregenza (14) and Noah de Bruijn (13), but Ocean Grove’s total of 9/87 from their 25 overs was always going to be difficult to defend on a small ground with a fast outfield.
Flynn Hardiman (2/20) struck early to give Ocean Grove a chance, but the Murgheboluc batsmen showed better composure and shot selection than their opposition to run out comprehensive winners, finishing with 3/95 off 19 overs. Louis Beale was the other wicket taker, finishing with 1/14. With only two games (and a bye) left after the Christmas break, Ocean Grove will need to improve if they are to give themselves a chance of making the finals.