Awards nod for local firies

Morrie Barry, Helen Wood, Graham Fisher (RSL sub-branch president) and Ivan Lee. 162101

By Justin Flynn

THE Ocean Grove Barwon Heads RSL Sub-branch has announced plans to sponsor trophies to two local fire brigades.
Presentations were awarded to Barwon Heads and Ocean Grove fire brigades last week with the proceeds to go towards a perpetual trophy each year.
“We thought it would be a good idea to be involved in the community,” OGBH RSL secretary David Gilroy said.
“There are a lot of volunteers within the RSL who give up their time and for all the wonderful work that our volunteer firefighters do, we thought it would work well.”
Barwon Heads Fire Brigade captain Helen Wood said the trophy would be awarded on a nomination basis.
“We’re awarding it to the member who exhibits the qualities that the RSL and the Australian Defence Force looks for in its personnel,” she said.
“It will be open to all brigade members from the captain down.”
Ocean Grove Fire Brigade’s Morrie Barry echoed the words of Ms Wood.
“Those values encompass everything the fire brigade does,” he said.
“We’ll be awarding our trophy to the Firefighter of the Year.”
Mr Barry has served for 54 years while fellow volunteer Ivan Lee, who was also on hand to accept the award, will have served for 68 years next month.