Arts collective launches sustainability film

Local artist Jane Millington. (Tracie Sullivan) 373626_01

A local art collective has created a short film exploring the power of art to engage and inspire people to reflect on sustainability and environmental issues.

The Hive Collective launched FLOW – Stories from the wetlands at the Bellarine Arts Trail’s A Taste of the Trail.

Supported by the Hive Gallery Ocean Grove and sponsored by the Regional Arts Fund Victoria, FLOW was filmed by local photographer and filmmaker Tracie Sullivan.

Focusing on the perspectives of artists whose works feature local wetlands and punctuated by scientists discussing the value and importance of sustainable wetlands management, the film combines arts and science voices to deliver a powerful message of sustainability.

Artist Jane Millington, who is featured in FLOW, said the film was a “deep dive” into how arts practice could communicate the beauty and importance of wetland environments.

“You listen to the artists’ stories, interspersed with the scientists’ facts and figures… and what benefit they scientifically have,” she said.

“But the thing we’re trying to explore is that deeper understanding of environment beyond the scientific data toward climate change. Delving into the story of how our environment affects our health and well-being, and how art can add to that message of sustainability through different practices.”

The Hive Collective, a group of sustainably-minded artists, has existed informally for seven years and was formalised last year.

The collective soon began working toward a group exhibition at the Hive, which will run in June 2024 and feature the work of over 20 artists, with FLOW playing throughout the length of the show.

FLOW will also feature at the Aarwun Gallery’s National Capital Art Prize 2024 in Canberra, exhibited alongside the event’s sustainability category finalists.

“I think the thing about most artists is that there’s always meaning behind their works and in this case, we’re really trying to promote that meaning, if only for appreciation,” Ms Millington said.

“If people leave the gallery (with) a better understanding of the value of these environments that surround us, knowing some steps they can take to help better manage those environments… we have achieved what we wanted to.”