Full steam ahead for railway

Brian Coleman in the signal box. (Ivan Kemp) 399216_08

All systems are a go for the Portarlington Bayside Miniature Railway, with upgrades set to occur thanks to funding from the City of Greater Geelong.

The railway received $19,300 through the council’s Community Infrastructure Fund for important refurbishment works.

Secretary Brian Coleman said he was glad to receive the funding for the railway to purchase new plastic sleepers, a ballast, and new fencing and to make improvements to its signalling and security lighting.

“The funding will help us with our infrastructure to do track maintenance, put up a new fence and some security lighting, and all the little bits and pieces,” he said.

“This was the little kick in the backside for us to achieve a few things and keep the railway going for the future, and the railway can now set about earnestly over the next 12 months to do upgrades.”

Mr Coleman said the railway was always looking for more volunteers, and a job was available for everyone.

“We’re always interested in having volunteers come to help us. So, if anybody’s got some time to spare on the weekend or on our working weekdays, we’d like to hear from them,” he said.

“Volunteers are always welcome down here and we do the training, so they don’t need to come trained or qualified…and there’s absolutely no barrier as we’re not discriminatory in any way.”

People can email Mr Coleman at brianblocko1@bigpond.com for more information about volunteering at the Portarlington Bayside Miniature Railway.