There’s no doubt about it, the last two years have been a rollercoaster ride of change, fear and uncertainty. However, one thing that many of us have relied on is the security of home and the everyday joy found in simple pleasures.
School teacher and craft expert Shannon Wong-Nizic says that this is particularly true when it comes to children, who benefit enormously from home-based ‘back to basics’ activities such as crafting, needlework and baking.
“Creative pursuits help children feel grounded and calm – it requires them to busy their hands, put down their screens, still their minds and be present in the moment,” Shannon says.
“These are such important self-care skills for little ones to learn growing up in today’s fast-paced, news-driven world.”
Shannon says that Easter is the perfect time for parents to connect with their children through craft.
“Holiday periods like Easter provide us with a beautiful opportunity to create calming family traditions, particularly after so many of us have had a turbulent school term dealing with issues surrounding COVID,” she says.
To help create a ‘calming craft bubble’ in your home this Easter, Shannon has put together some inspirational Easter craft activities – a cute Easter Bilby hat, perfect for the Easter Hat Parade and an ‘Eggscellent Spoonville’ activity whereby you can decorate wooden spoons to look like Easter Eggs and plant them around your neighbourhood.
To download Shannon’s Easter craft templates and how-to’s, visit: visit: www.pilotpen.com.au.
“Spoonville is a wonderful way to connect with friends and neighbours through sharing the joy of craft – what better time than Easter to take the time to have some fun!” says Shannon.
Shannon Wong-Nizic is a teacher, mum of three and avid crafter. She runs a popular blog and online parenting resource dedicated to all things creative, www.ohcreativeday.com/.