The Ocean Grove Rotary Art Show was held at Point Lonsdale Primary School Hall over the weekend of November 4 and 5.
It was a successful event with more than 200 entries from diverse artists.
Fellow of the Victorian Artist’s Society and an award-winning artist in her own right, Jo Reitze judged the categories.
Jo was recently the Lon Artist in Residence at the Lon Retreat and Spa.
Ocean Grove Rotary thanked all artists who submitted entries and the local community for attending the show.
Barwon Riding Develops Abilities and Ocean Grove Disabled Surfers are the major charities supported by the event.
Best Overall Work of Art in Show: ‘The World is Ours’ by Sandra Kenney.
Australian Flora Fauna: first ‘Ethereal Watchman’ by Denise Krajnc, runner-up ‘Flora & Fauna of Coastal Victoria’ by Helen Hewitt.
Painting: first ‘Thursday Market’ by Bill Linford, runner-up ‘Daniella’s Glassware’ by Nell Frysteen.
Abstract/Semi Abstract: first ‘Getting There’ by Kaz Shirley, runner-up ‘Lost Numbers’ by Jude Elmer.
Drawing: first ‘The Old Morning’ by Gavan Serle, runner-up ‘The Marble Players’ by Kerry-Anne Sullivan.
People’s Choice Prize: ‘Three Seagulls’ by Dennis Sonogan.
Highly commended awards were presented to: ‘Couta Boat with Fish’ by David Jarman, ‘Untitled’ by Elizabeth Towers, ‘Rockpool’ by Alison Fincher and ‘Proteacea’ by Ann Finkelde.