Ocean Grove’s Boorai Wednesday playgroup received a grant of $4000 from Bellarine Community Health’s Health and Wellbeing Fund for its new HEPS program.
HEPS aims to improve members’ nutrition through the inclusion of fresh food boxes delivered weekly for morning tea as well as cooking classes twice a term.
“It allows us, for the next 12 months, to provide morning tea and cooking classes,” playgroup communications officer Kate Morrissy told the Voice.
“It allows the children to select their own food and to make healthy choices.”
The ingredients are being sourced locally, from Ocean Grove Fruit Shop and Sprouts Canteen and Catering.
“This program was designed with consultation of our members and we are all so excited for our kids to get involved with cooking, education and sampling different fresh foods,” Ms Morrissy said.
“This program will begin at the start of term four so we invite any parents, grandparents or carers and their 0-5 year olds to come along and get involved.”
Boorai Wednesday playgroup is a not-for-profit playgroup run by the attending parents. It strives to be a welcoming environment that allows parents and their preschool aged children to socialise and connect with the local community.
The Health and Wellbeing Fund supports community focused not-for-profit organisations to make positive improvements to the health and wellbeing of communities on the Bellarine Peninsula. The fund is presented by Bellarine Community Health.