Aged Care Employee Day at BCH

BCH Executive team Karen Laing, left, Kathy Russell and Liz Womersley celebrate Aged Care Employee Day. (Supplied)

Bellarine Community Health (BCH) held a day of fun activities to celebrate its employees’ caring and professional work during Aged Care Employee Day.

BCH held a high tea for its staff and clients on Wednesday, August 7, to recognise its employees’ caring and professional work to support older people in the community.

Adult and aged services executive director Karen Laing said Aged Care Employee Day reminded people of the important work that aged care workers do in the community.

“We’re encouraging everyone in the community to say, ‘thanks’ to not only our BCH staff but anyone who works in the aged care sector,” she said.

“These staff members deserve our thanks for the work they do, and it’s been wonderful to be able to take the time and share an afternoon of celebrations with many of our team.”

Ms Laing said Aged Care Employee Day was a national day of significance for the aged and community care workforce, celebrated on August 7.

BCH provided support and services for more than 9000 clients across the Bellarine Peninsula, with close to 60 per cent of clients aged over 65.

Aged care employees work in many BCH services, including allied health, social support programs, home care packages and the community nursing and palliative care team.

Visit or call the BCH intake team on 1800 007 224 for more information about the services available to support older people in the community.