Council clarifies Gaza stance

The City of Greater Geelong has officially called on the federal government to avert ongoing violence in the Middle East.

In line with a United Nations resolution, Mayor Trent Sullivan called on the Australian government to support an ongoing humanitarian ceasefire in Gaza and the release of all hostages.

Council was quizzed at its most recent meeting about why it had not taken an official stance when it had openly denounced Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.

Mayor Sullivan responded that in the case of Ukraine, the council followed direction from both federal and state governments to light up City Hall and other public monuments.

Mayor Sullivan said the advocacy to the Australian government was part of the City’s wider role in responding to the devastating situation.

This week, Mr Sullivan made the following statement:

“Councillors have become increasingly concerned about escalating and abhorrent violence in the Middle East.

We share our grief with all residents and our overwhelming, extreme concern about civilian and humanitarian catastrophes in Palestine and Israel.

We express profound sadness that attempts at peaceful resolutions have failed and that as a consequence, the lives of thousands of innocent civilians have been lost.

We recognise the highest ethical imperatives of humanitarian and human rights laws and voice our deep concern that many thousands of children have already been killed or injured.

We call on the Australian government to support an ongoing Humanitarian Ceasefire, endorse their call for the immediate and unconditional release of all hostages, and to work quickly with the international community to facilitate the delivery of life sustaining aid to all in need of humanitarian support.

This is consistent with the UN Security Council Resolution 2712 made on 15 Nov 2023, and endorsed by the Australian government.”