Geelong gets batty for flying fox safety

Grey-headed flying foxes. (Supplied)

Geelong’s bats will soon be able to better cool down during hot temperatures thanks to the City of Greater Geelong.

The City will install an irrigation system to help grey-headed flying foxes (also known as fruit bats) during extreme heat days, with work expected to be completed this year.

Flying foxes are a threatened species and face several threats, including habitat destruction, failing food sources, disturbance, illegal fruit netting and extreme heat events.

Executive Director of City Infrastructure James Stirton said Geelong was “not just a home for us, but for our cherished wildlife”, with a camp of grey-headed flying foxes in Eastern Park.

“Wildlife need our help to ensure they have places where they can live, feed and grow with minimal interference,” he said.

“It’s astonishing to think such an exceptional species like the grey-headed flying fox has set up a camp within walking distance of central Geelong.

“Grey-headed flying foxes are among our most vulnerable species and current rates of habitat loss and warming temperatures are testing their ability to adapt in such a rapidly changing environment.”

Sick and injured flying foxes should be reported to Wildlife Victoria by calling 03 8400 7300, who will send a vaccinated and trained wildlife rescuer to assist.

Community members should not touch or handle bats but can help look after flying foxes in the backyard using wildlife-friendly netting when covering fruit trees.