The Port Phillip Sea Pilot boat crew are safe after it struck rocks off Point Lonsdale last night.
The Coast Guard, Water Police and Helicopter Emergency Medical Service (HEMS) rescued the Corsair’s three crew members on Thursday, October 5.
Victoria Police said a captain and two crew members from a Port Phillip Sea Pilot launch were on their boat close to 400 metres offshore when it ran aground just before 11.30pm.
Emergency services were alerted and searched the area before the three men were located standing on rocks next to the boat.
The crew had evacuated the boat into a life raft and were rescued uninjured at around 1.30am.
Water Police Inspector James Dalton told ABC Radio that the crew had been assessed by ambulance and did not require hospitalisation.
“They were in absolute grave danger last night without a doubt, they’re very very fortunate,” he said.
“I called them at about 2.30am in the morning, and they were waiting outside the Heads for slack water.
“They weren’t scared as they’re highly-trained and that’s what they’re paid to do, but it’s a risky operation.”
The cause of the incident remains unclear and will be investigated by the Australian Maritime Safety Authority.
Police are asking all boats to stay away from the area.
More to come.