Queenscliff Lonsdale Yacht Club (QLYC) can safely move and store equipment better thanks to council funding.
The Borough of Queenscliff awarded community grants to 12 organisations that support community, art and cultural projects and activities that improve residents’ wellbeing and quality of life.
QLYC secretary Felicity McKenzie said the club received $1300 from the community grants program to assist in the purchase of equipment to move and store kayaks in their boat shed safely.
“We are very grateful for the borough’s support of our club which encourages family-friendly fun,” she said.
“As a club of over 400 members and run by a committee of volunteers we were extremely happy to receive the Borough of Queenscliff community grant.”
Mayor Isabelle Tolhurst said the program looked to help local community groups and organisations and provide opportunities for the council and the community to work together.
“It’s a joy for council to be celebrating the wonderful community events we have across the Borough,” she said.
Other successful grant recipients included Boomerang Bags, Combined Probus Club of Queenscliffe, Point Lonsdale Boardriders Club, Point Lonsdale Primary School, Queenscliff and District Neighbourhood House, Point Lonsdale Basketball Association, Queenscliff Indigenous Nursery, Shedding the Blues, St Aloysius Primary School, and Tides of Welcome Community Choir.
Applications for the Borough of Queenscliff’s next round of community grants will open again next year.