Machinery operators urged to look up


Bellarine Peninsula residents operating heavy machinery are urged to be aware of overhead powerlines following a series of close calls across metropolitan Melbourne.

Energy Safe Victoria (ESV) is reminding machinery operators to be aware of overhead powerlines while ensuring they follow all safety precautions.

The warning follows a series of incidents involving operators narrowly avoiding injury in recent weeks.

This message is particularly important to those with little-to-no experience operating machinery near powerlines who may have hired the equipment to do some work around their property.

ESV advises all operators to ensure they receive appropriate training or instruction on how to use the equipment competently and to identify, assess and control any risks before they start work.

ESV Commissioner and Chairperson Marnie Williams said: “Unfortunately, both experienced and inexperienced heavy machinery operators can fail to take note of overhead powerlines.”

“Fortunately, no one was injured over the past week, however not everyone has been as lucky in previous incidents where people have been seriously injured.

“When working with heavy machinery near powerlines, please use spotters, be aware of hazards and always ensure you’ve received the appropriate training.”
