By Justin Flynn
Aspiring actor Jonathan Burroughs’ world was turned upside down when the effects of COVID-19 forced him to move out of his rental accommodation.
The 25-year-old tended to one of Melbourne’s iconic arthouse buildings for a living, but was stood down indefinitely and couldn’t afford to rent a small Port Melbourne cottage that he shared with three friends.
Jonathan decided to move in with his Ocean Grove parents.
He posted a plea on the Facebook site ‘The New OG Community Noticeboard’, asking if anyone was hiring, stating his experience as an Uber Eats delivery driver.
Jonathan expected a “polite pat on the back at most”.
“Maybe an eye roll from someone who felt I was demonstrating that I thought myself more entitled than everyone else, as everyone has been impacted so severely by this crisis,” he said.
“After all, a stereotype of millennials is that we are lazy, entitled narcissists who still live with their parents.”
However, he was inundated with offers and support.
“A monumental outpour of love, support, information, and good old fashioned coastal spirit,” he said.
“It was unprecedented. It was amazing.”
Jonathan now delivers Green Pastures Milk for Ty Simons from Driftwood Cafe and eggs for Will from The Egg Man.
“I can ride all day, come rain, come wind, with a pack on my back – so at least I’ve got that,” he said.
“I ride from door-to-door, delivering milk and eggs, so you don’t have to risk obtaining it, or worse, walk home empty-handed, from a supermarket with [shelves] stripped bare.
“[I’m] like a milkman of olden days, except I have eggs too, that and I’m dressed like I’ve walked off the set of Breaking Bad, or some Orwellian fantasy.”
Jonathan said he was “undoubtedly” surprised at the outpouring of support.
“What is most surprising is that such a vast amount are facing incredible hardship right now,” he said.
“Yet so many reached out. So many pulled together what information they had – and shared it to me – a stranger.”